Making a match that will wear well over the long haul is an art, and making a selection is as much a choice about strategy as it is a hiring decision. As the trusted advisors to countless mission-driven organizations, our practice and our people will make a big difference for your organization.
You’re drawing on a deep reservoir of experience
We are experts on mission-driven organizations; while we know the broader landscape, we recognize and honor the importance of getting to know your organization, your work and your people.
Diversity is really important to us
Studies show — and we know — that diversity makes for more effective organizations. Therefore, get ready to hear about it. We are going to encourage you to consider candidates you might not normally look twice at. Be prepared to put your “curious, open-minded” hat on. By the end of an engagement, you will likely have had a personally transformative experience, in addition to an outstanding outcome.
Open-mindedness is a real asset
When considering candidates, we urge you to look for what’s right about each candidate, rather than what’s wrong. Now is the time to explore. Be willing to imagine a variety of paths to your goal, and try on different possibilities. We have learned that doing so makes a search process much more enjoyable and fruitful. It’s also a good way to identify emerging senior talent, which we find to be great fun and deeply gratifying.
Our process works
We have designed a thoughtful and rigorous search process. Our search process functions as a dialectic, for you (and us) to get to know candidates deeply over time. Believe it or not, there is no substitute; there are no short cuts. To be successful, to be effective in finding and retaining the right people, we know no better way— and neither do our clients.
Assumptions can be deadly
“All that glitters is not gold” couldn’t be more true in a search process. It can be easy to get swept up in prior relationships, or emotional responses, or any other number of vagaries, or, most perniciously, to be “struck by the stars”. Often a less “glamorous” candidate is the best candidate for the job. We will encourage you to scratch the surface and look beneath the glitter to see whether or not what’s underneath is made of enough substance to see your organization through.
Confidentiality is key
Clients should rest assured that confidentiality is held in every aspect of the search process. After a dozen years and countless searches, we handle all information about clients and candidates with complete discretion – which leads to great outcomes.