As someone who has helped identify and evaluate thousands of candidates over the years, I’d like to propose a somewhat radical idea: in-person interviews are an overrated and sometimes unnecessary part of the process.
Why Salary Compensation Transparency Can Counteract Equity
In The 360 Group’s work as executive search consultants to foundations and nonprofits, we know that transparency around compensation is a perennially thorny issue, especially for observers outside the sector. I thought I would share some thoughts about how we approach compensation transparency, particularly in light of our efforts to make diversity and equity a […]
Recruiting Is Like a Line of Credit – What Interest Rate Will You Pay?
For most nonprofit organizations in an environment of great demand and very limited resources, time is at a premium and it is essential to have your leadership team in place and functioning effectively. The question becomes HOW can you fill the talent pipeline quickly when you need someone and not suffer from the downtime and productivity lost when a key role remains open?
Recently, I found myself addressing a group of nonprofit human resources executives, and my assignment was to provide them with my sense of how organizations should approach recruiting. As I sat through the early morning introductions, drinking my coffee as quickly as I could manage, my mind still wandered… Read More